I made a website because I can
On meeting internet friends
The nature of the internet is such that someone can talk to someone else that may be so far apart geologically, that it may seem impossible to ever meet them face to face. Others are more or less around the corner and can be met with just a little bit of planning. Recently, I was…
Why we can’t have nice things
I’ve recently noticed a bunch of bots making accounts and stuff. It’s already gotten old after the 20th account was created but this is what why the internet is the way it is. I guess you just can’t be an anime girl on the internet without the algorithms coming for you. If only they were…
I have had my Final Fantasy XI character for many years and she’s special to me. Cosplaying her was one of those things that I didn’t think I could ever do and truly never thought about until I started looking at this hobby. It’s weird spending time staring at her back, running down dungeon corridors…
Anime North is complete
I had a blast at Anime North (again) and there were even more people there this time. While the con schedule left me a bit tired every (burning the candle at both ends) I can confidently say I’m going next year. It’s super nice to catch up with friends and I managed to take some…
I made it to Canada!
If you see me at the con, just whisper “Silver Truffles” to me and I’ll give you a code for 10% off any order of $50 dollars or more at your favorite fast food restaurant!
Is this… spring?
It feels like sometimes spring never wants to show up or perhaps it’s very short. This year, I’ve noticed flowers blooming and such but the one thing I haven’t seen much of is rain. I love rain with a capital el. Simply can’t get enough of it and these showerless months have been pretty disappointing.…
Seems I’ve already forgotten you
My original goal was to update this space with my musings on a daily basis but I seem to have piled far too much on my plate these days. I think it’ll be semi-regularly so as to not alienate the one or two people that might happen to click a link on twitter. I mean,…
On understanding
and this happens especially when I don’t give context before I start talking, alienating everyone. You can’t read my mind? Do better!
I done it!
A full day of this site existing! I feel highly accomplished and pleased with myself. It’s been a rousing success in every possible way and I’m elated that you’re reading this (yes, you) because that means you can also bask in this quickly growing mega-site. I think I’ll celebrate with some treats. In more topical…
Anime North
I’m going to Anime North! I’ll be hanging out with a bunch more bobble headed people! Feel free to come by and take a picture with us and I hope to see you all there!

Got any cookies?